AWS S3 Bucket Browser Protected

Al3 (@al3)




About This Space

This space creates an AWS S3 Bucket Browser using AWS SDK APIs. It allows you to create and delete buckets, list objects in a bucket, and Upload, download, preview or delete objects. This space is protected to protect the credentials being used for the example. To see the code or create a version to browse your own S3 buckets see

Last updated on July 13, 2022

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AWS S3 Bucket Browser

This space is a fully functional browser for Amazon Web Services S3 buckets. It uses an Accordion designt which displays the list of buckets for the configured account. If the list objects button for a bucket is pressed the accordion shifts to the objects list section which is loaded with the objects from the selected bucket.

Making it work

In order to make this space work you will need to create an Amazon Web Services account at, create an IAM user and generate an Access Key Id and Secret Access Key for the user. You can find information on creating users in the AWS documentation

After you have your keys and have selected a region you will need to update the values in the config.json file.


Bucket list

The browser lists all buckets for an account and list the objects in any bucket. The Bucket list provides options for creting new buckets, deleting buckets, or listing the objects in a bucket.


Object list

The Object listing provides options for uploading new objects, previewing (depending on the type of object), downloading or deleting.



The preview button lets you preview images, PDFs, and text documents on screen.



The Drag and Drop file upload widget allows you to upload files. Drag up to 10 files onto the widget and then click the upload button.


Web Service End Points

A web service endpoint, getObject.js, is used to load the object to the preview panel on the screen and to provide the download option from the browser. Although, not used in this example, two other web service files are provided as examples: getBucketList.js and getObjectList.js. These endpoints could be used to load the grids asyncronously or to provide the data for other purposes.



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5 years ago

This space has been protected because it uses my personal Amazon credentials. You can still run it and try out the browser. To see the code or create a version that accesses your own S3 buckets go to

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